How To Pronounce French Vowel Combinations And Dipthongs

Written byAmélie Pinon

Combination Sounds in French

Sounds Sounds Like the: In: French Examples (Translation)
ai ai l[ai]ssez-faire jamais (never), parfait (perfect)
-ain, -aim un Verd[un] pain (bread), faim (hunger)
au o r[o]pe paume (palm), baume (balm)
ch sh [sh]ampoo chameau (camel), chapeau (hat)
ei e m[e]n près (close), peine (pain)
eu e th[e] peu (little), deux (two)
-er, -ez a d[a]y manger (to eat), assez (enough)
eau, -aud, -ot o [o]zone rateau (rake), chaud (hot)
em, en before consonant en [en]core encre (ink), emploi (job)
ha- a r[a]t bras (arm), chat (cat)
ill y [y]ogurt merveille (marvel), fille (girl)
oi wa [wa]ter joie (joy), loi (law)
oin oo + un t[oo]+Verd[un] loin (far), point (point)
on, om awn l[awn] bon (good), pont (bridge)
ou oo t[wo] genou (knee), tout (all)
ph ph [ph]il phoque (seal), phare (lighthouse)
sc before o,a,u sc [sc]oundrel sculpter (to sculpt), scorpion
sc before e,i,y sc [sc]enario scellé (sealed), scie (saw)
th t [th]yme théologie (theology), thèse (thesis)
ti s [s]tone objection, ration
um, un word ending or before a consonant un Verd[un] lundi (Monday), parfum (perfume)
ui wi ki[wi] pluie (rain), buisson (bush)
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How To Pronounce French Vowel Combinations And Dipthongs
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Amélie Pinon
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