French Kitchen Utensils, Ingredients & More (Vocabulary)

Written byAmélie Pinon

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French kitchen utensils

countersurface de travail, comptoirM/F
cutting boardplanche à découperF
dish toweltorchonM
food processorrobotM
freezercongèle, congélateurM
fridgefrigo, réfrigérateurM
frying panpoêleF
household applianceappareil électroménagerM
kitchen sinkevier de cuisineF
measuring cupverre mesureur*M
microwave ovenmicro-ondesM
mixing bowlsaladierM
stove gas rangegazinièreF
stove topplaques (de cuisson)F

The French like to enjoy their food and their cooking. For that reason, you will usually find a well-equipped kitchen in a French home.

In the kitchen, we also find (dans la cuisine, on trouve):

  • La table de cuisine. kitchen table
  • Les verres glasses
  • Les assiettes dishes
  • Les couteaux the knives
  • Les fourchettes the forks
  • Les cuilleres the spoons

Let's get ready for dinner in the kitchen.

At home, that would usually be "en famille" (a family dinner).

If you're entertaining friends, you probably use the "salle a manger" (dining room).

Let's get the kids to help us with the table:

  • Mes enfants, il faut mettre le couvert. (Children, we have to set the table.)
  • Faites bien attention a la vaissell, surtout les verres. (Pay attention to the dishware, especially the glasses.)
  • Mettez le couvert comme ca: La petite assiette sur la grand assiette, la fourchette a gauche, le couteau a droite et la cuillere a dessert devant le verre. (Set the table like this: the small plate on the large plate, the fork on the left, the knife on the right, and the desert spoon in front of the glass.)

A common French expression:

"Un repas sans vin est une journee sans soleil." ("A meal without wine is a day without sunshine.")

  • Apportez-moi la bouteille de vin blanc qui est au frigo et donnez-moi le tire-bouchon pour l'ouvrir. (Bring me the bottle of white wine that is in the fridge and give me the cork screw to open it.)
  • Qu'est-ce qu'on mange? J'ai faim! (What's to eat? (What is it one eats) I'm hungry.)
  • Je vous ai prepare un tres bon menu. Alors comme entree on a du bon melon et apres je vais vous server une truite au champagne et raisin avec des pommes de terre sautees. (I have prepared a very good menu for you. First as an entree, we have very good melon, and after, I will serve you Trout in Champagne and grapes with sauteed potatoes.)
  • Et pour le dessert? (And for desert?)
  • Ah! mais avant le dessert il y a de la salade et du bon fromage et pour le dessert. une tarte au pommes! (Oh, but before the desert, there is salad and some good cheese and for desert. Apple Pie!)

How do you think la maman made the wonderful sounding trout dish?

See if you can guess the meanings of some of the words in her recipe. (Look at the bottom for the answers.)

Les ingredients:

  • Echalotes (shallots)
  • Beurre (butter)
  • Champignons (mushrooms)
  • Jaunes d'?uf (egg yolks)
  • Feulles d'aneth fraiches (fresh dill leaves)
  • Sel et poivre (salt and pepper)

Les directions:

  • Eplucher les echalotes (Peel the shallots)
  • Hachetez les champignons (Chop the mushrooms)
  • Lavez les feuilles d'aneth fraiches (Wash the dill leaves)
  • Chauffer la beurre (Heat the butter)


  1. Mama is ready (prete) to prepare dinner. She takes the salad out of (de la) the refrigerator and puts it in the kitchen sink to wash (laver) it.
  2. Mama cuts (the verb is couper; don't forget to change it to third person singular) the vegetables (les legumes) and puts the casserole (casseroule) in the oven.
  3. She sets the table. Four dishes, four forks, four knives, four spoons, four glasses.
  4. Mama brings the bottle of wine and opens it with (avec) the bottle opener.
  5. She puts the apple pie into the oven.
  6. Don't forget (N'oubliez pas) she has chopped the mushrooms, and peeled the shallots for the casserole.
  7. After all this (apres tout ca,) she is tired, but the family is hungry!
  8. What do we have for dessert?
  9. Please pass me the salt and pepper.
  10. Who is going (Qui va) to wash the dishes?
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Amélie Pinon
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