Hopefully next time you're in France, you won't need this lesson on medical emergencies.
But it's good to be prepared regardless!
If you find yourself in need of medical attention or a hospital, these French vocabulary and expressions will help you get the help you need.
How do you say hospital in French?
The word for hospital in French is hôpital.
How do you say doctor in French?
If you want to say doctor in French, there are three ways to do it:
J'ai besoin de l'assistance.
J'ai d'un medecin.
J'ai besoin d'une ambulance.
Je suis asthmatique.
J'ai besoin d'un inhalateur.
Je suis diabetique.
J'ai besoin de sucre immediatement.
J'ai une crise cardiaque.
J'ai une attaque.
Je me noyer.
Je suis en travail.
J'ai casse le bras.
French Vocabulary | English Translation |
L'hôpital | The hospital |
Le médecin | The doctor |
L'infirmière | The nurse |
Le patient | The patient |
La douleur | The pain |
La blessure | The injury |
Les symptômes | The symptoms |
La fièvre | The fever |
La tension | The blood pressure |
Les urgences | The emergency room |
La salle d'attente | The waiting room |
L'examen médical | The medical exam |
Le diagnostic | The diagnosis |
La prescription | The prescription |
La radiographie | The X-ray |
L'opération | The operation |
Les soins | The care/treatment |
L'anesthésie | The anesthesia |
La rééducation | The rehabilitation |
La sortie | The discharge |
French Verb | English Translation |
Admettre | To admit |
Examiner | To examine |
Diagnostiquer | To diagnose |
Prescrire | To prescribe |
Soigner | To treat |
Opérer | To operate |
Anesthésier | To anesthetize |
Guérir | To heal |
Réanimer | To resuscitate |
Suivre | To monitor |
Hospitaliser | To hospitalize |
Rééduquer | To rehabilitate |
Désinfecter | To disinfect |
Vacciner | To vaccinate |
Transfuser | To transfuse |
Enregistrer | To register |
Sortir | To discharge |
Récupérer | To recover |
Prélever | To take a sample |
If you find yourself in hospital, you might need to tell the nurses or doctors what conditions you have.
Here's a list of all major medical conditions in French:
French Term | English Translation |
Allergie | Allergy |
Anémie | Anemia |
Asthme | Asthma |
AVC (Accident Vasculaire Cérébral) | Stroke |
Cancer | Cancer |
Chirurgie | Surgery |
Diabète | Diabetes |
Douleur | Pain |
Épilepsie | Epilepsy |
Fièvre | Fever |
Fracture | Fracture |
Gastrite | Gastritis |
Grippe | Flu |
Hépatite | Hepatitis |
Hypertension | Hypertension |
Infarctus du myocarde | Heart attack |
Insomnie | Insomnia |
Jaunisse | Jaundice |
Leucémie | Leukemia |
Maladie d'Alzheimer | Alzheimer's disease |
Mal de dos | Back pain |
Mal de gorge | Sore throat |
Maladie de Crohn | Crohn's disease |
Maladie de Parkinson | Parkinson's disease |
Migraine | Migraine |
Otite | Ear infection |
Rhume | Cold |
Sinusite | Sinusitis |
Toux | Cough |
Ulcère | Ulcer |