How To Talk About Your Hobbies In French

Written byAmélie Pinon

Let's learn how to talk about your hobbies in French.

In this lesson, I'll cover hobby vocabulary and a few ways to tell someone what you like to do for fun.

How do you say 'hobby' in French?

'Hobby' in French is 'loisir', and its plural form is 'loisirs'.

It's a masculine word.

Most common hobbies in French

Here's a list of the most common hobbies in French.

There are obviously many more activities that could be included, but I think these are the most important ones.

Hobbies (in French)Hobbies (in English)
La lectureReading
Le cinémaCinema
La musiqueMusic
La danseDance
Le théâtreTheater
La cuisineCooking
Le jardinageGardening
La randonnéeHiking
L'escaladeRock climbing
La natationSwimming
Le yogaYoga
La méditationMeditation
L'équitationHorseback riding
La peinturePainting
La photographiePhotography
Les voyagesTraveling
La collectionCollecting
Les jeux de sociétéBoard games
Les jeux vidéoVideo games

How to say you like, love or enjoy a hobby in French

To say that you like, love, or enjoy a particular hobby in French, you can use the following expressions:

  • J'aime [le/la/les] + [hobby name] (I like [the] + [hobby name])
  • J'adore [le/la/les] + [hobby name] (I love [the] + [hobby name])
  • J'apprécie [le/la/les] + [hobby name] (I appreciate [the] + [hobby name])

Sample sentences:

J'aime le jardinage.

I like gardening.

J'adore la musique.

I love music.

J'apprécie les jeux de société.

I appreciate board games.

To express a negative form, you can add the word "ne" before the verb and "pas" after the verb, as in the examples below:

How to say you don't like, love or enjoy a hobby in French

  • Je n'aime pas [le/la/les] + [hobby name] (I don't like [the] + [hobby name])
  • Je n'adore pas [le/la/les] + [hobby name] (I don't love [the] + [hobby name])
  • Je n'apprécie pas [le/la/les] + [hobby name] (I don't appreciate [the] + [hobby name])

Sample sentences:

Je n'aime pas la cuisine.

I don't like cooking.

Je n'adore pas les jeux vidéo.

I don't love video games.

Je n'apprécie pas la méditation.

I don't appreciate meditation.

Of course, instead of using the negative, you can just say you hate it:

Je deteste le football.

I hate football.

J'ai horreur des musees.

I hate museums.

Using faire, jouer and pratiquer

In French, the verb faire (to do/make) is often used when talking about hobbies or leisure activities, especially when referring to physical activities.

To use faire with hobbies, simply use the verb followed by the name of the activity. The name of the activity can be preceded by an article, depending on the context.

Sample sentences:

Je fais de la natation.

I swim.

Nous faisons de la randonnée.

We hike.

Il fait du yoga.

He does yoga.

Note that some hobbies use specific verbs instead of faire. For instance, you would use jouer (to play) with sports, games or musical instruments.

For example:

Je joue au football.

I play soccer.

Elle joue de la guitare.

She plays the guitar.

NOTE: In French, you play "at" a sport (e.g. il joue au football), but for a musical instrument, you use the preposition de (e.g. elle joue de la guitare).

You can also use pratiquer (to practice) with some hobbies or sports, particularly when referring to more formal or structured activities.

Sample sentences:

Il pratique le judo.

He practices judo.

Elle pratique la danse classique.

She practices classical dance.
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How To Talk About Your Hobbies In French
In this lesson, I'll cover hobby vocabulary and a few ways to tell someone what you like to do for fun.
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Amélie Pinon
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